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A Crisis in Confidence: Congress Approval Sinks to New Low

23 Jul

Activist Post: A Crisis in Confidence: Congress Approval Sinks to New Low.

Are U.S. Taxpayers Funding Empire Building With Costa Rica?

23 Jul

Activist Post: Are U.S. Taxpayers Funding Empire Building With Costa Rica?.

10 Ways You’re Being Fleeced by Banks

19 Jul

Activist Post: 10 Ways You’re Being Fleeced by Banks.

Big Pharma Makes Another Killing

19 Jul

Activist Post: Big Pharma Makes Another Killing.

Obama Plays Phony Populist Card: Says GOP \’Party of the Rich\’

19 Jul

Activist Post: Obama Plays Phony Populist Card: Says GOP ‘Party of the Rich’.

10 Ways We Are Being Tracked, Traced, and Databased

16 Jul

Activist Post: 10 Ways We Are Being Tracked, Traced, and Databased.

The Cybersecurity Directive Goes Viral

16 Jul

Michael Edwards:  Activist Post: The Cybersecurity Directive Goes Viral.

Activist Post: The Ultimate “RED” Herring: The Russians are Back!

16 Jul

Activist Post: The Ultimate “RED” Herring: The Russians are Back!

via Activist Post: The Ultimate “RED” Herring: The Russians are Back!.

The Ultimate “RED” Herring: The Russians Are Back!

3 Jul

Michael Edwards
Activist Post

The evil, Red communists apparently are back to subvert the sacred institutions of America.  Mainstream media’s contrived naïveté to the idea of deep-cover sex spies from Russia is nothing but a planned diversion for what is the long-standing practice of many nations blending into the halls of corporate recruitment in order to join the Globalist network.
Whether or not the media is trying to peddle a new Cold War is largely irrelevant; we should consider the source.  The media itself is groomed in the very same institutions, and has long been on assignment to defend the establishment corporate control system via well-documented CIA operations of propaganda management.  Former director of the CIA, William Colby, said it himself in 2004:  “The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of significance in the major media.”  That being the case, the insinuations of a new Red Scare from a blatant disinformation channel should swiftly be called into question.

More noteworthy is that these spies were not caught corrupting standing officials of American government, but rather were outed in their attempt to get deep into the very system which promotes Globalism.  They “had jobs that put them in contact with opinion makers, corporate executives or aspiring technology industry workers,” according to the Bloomberg report, indicating that this was a long-term endeavor.  The initial target, Harvard, is one of the prime recruitment sources for The New World Order.  Within the overall recruitment structure, Harvard can be viewed as the global business division rounding out the controlled education network consisting primarily of Princeton (intelligence consulting division), Yale (political grooming division), and Stanford (science and medical division).  These institutions form the matrix of the Globalist agenda to control all aspects of world management.

The mainstream media wants to keep us fixated on the fact that these spies are from Russia in order to dredge up an old enemy and the remembrance of mutual assured destruction Cold War rhetoric.   The more disturbing, more covert, modern reality is that Russia is merely continuing proven espionage tactics to stay on the gravy train of access to recruiters, and to strengthen their position in planning for their own economic New World Order.  Just as Israel’s spy network used fake art students to infiltrate, and China sought access to U.S. weapons technology by using visiting students and scientists, Russia has always been a premier player in the spy game of jockeying for global intelligence supremacy.

We would do well to ignore this red herring of a new Red Scare, and instead keep in mind that the borderless banksters who represent the tyranny of Globalism, are free from religious or political dogma.  It is all business, all the time.  The latest Russian spy diversion is nothing more than that:  business as usual.

PROOF: Mainstream Media Serves the Government

1 Jul

New study documents media’s servitude to government

by Glenn Greenwald

A newly released study from students at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government provides the latest evidence of how thoroughly devoted the American establishment media is to amplifying and serving (rather than checking) government officials.  This new study examines how waterboarding has been discussed by America’s four largest newspapers over the past 100 years, and finds that the technique, almost invariably, was unequivocally referred to as “torture” — until the U.S. Government began openly using it and insisting that it was not torture, at which time these newspapers obediently ceased describing it that way:
Similarly, American newspapers are highly inclined to refer to waterboarding as “torture” when practiced by other nations, but will suddenly refuse to use the term when it’s the U.S. employing that technique:
As always, the American establishment media is simply following in the path of the U.S. Government (which is why it’s the “establishment media”): the U.S. itself long condemned waterboarding as “torture” and even prosecuted it as such, only to suddenly turn around and declare it not to be so once it began using the tactic.  That’s exactly when there occurred, as the study puts it, “a significant and sudden shift in how newspapers characterized waterboading.”  As the U.S. Government goes, so goes our establishment media.