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The Business of Servitude: Debtors’ Prisons Make a Comeback

17 Jun
Our Future In Chains: The For-Profit Debtors’ Prison System

Michael Edwards

Debtors’ prisons have a sordid history that was thought to be best left behind in Medieval Europe and in Charles Dickens’ fictionalized accounts of the 19th-century hellholes of Victorian England.  America was not to be outdone, debtors’ prisons were widespread in the United States as well, and stories of the conditions in New York’s debtors’ prisons could make one question if repayment of debts was really the purpose; violent criminals were much better clothed and fed.  In fact, history shows that terror and slavery have always had a close relationship with debt, and it follows a path from the Romans right through to 17th century England, and into America from English common law.  However, America chose to abolish her debtors’ prisons a full 36 years before England; first in New York in 1831, and by 1833 the rest of the America had followed.(1)

Now, debtors’ prisons seem to be making a comeback in America.  A recent article in the Star Tribune in Minnesota titled, “In jail for being in debt,” exposes the growing number of citizens going to jail at the behest of banks and a welcoming judicial system.  They write:

“It’s not a crime to owe money, and debtors’ prisons were abolished in the United States in the 19th century. But people are routinely being thrown in jail for failing to pay debts. In Minnesota, which has some of the most creditor-friendly laws in the country, the use of arrest warrants against debtors has jumped 60 percent over the past four years, with 845 cases in 2009, a Star Tribune analysis of state court data has found.”

In our modern era of debt servitude, a PR Push has been designed to reintroduce a serious discussion of debtors’ prisons as a sound solution. What goes beyond alarming is that the full-fledged return of debtors’ prisons might be seen as both appropriately terrifying, as well as a profitable investment opportunity and politically sound decision to be made by state governments struggling with their own looming bankruptcies, and a Federal government struggling politically with the concept of a jobless recovery that is not materializing.

Our New Site Has Been Launched

12 Jun

Our New Site:

First, thank you to our visitors for supporting this blog; it has grown way beyond what we expected.  The hunger for the truth and real news is undergoing exponential growth as we speak.  Meanwhile, the forces of tyranny have re-doubled their efforts, so we must triple our own.  We are expanding our operation and our network — we have designed ACTIVIST POST as our new home.  This site aims to form a much larger network where we can spread the word of freedom, hope, passion . . . and resistance.  Please join us in this new endeavor.  We encourage anyone to SUBMIT ARTICLES OR NEWS — we must be ACTIVE.  We used to speak about the tyranny that was coming.  Well, now it is here.  We must remain peaceful; spread information that will wake up larger and larger numbers, and make the commitment simply to resist — say NO — to all violations of our innate human rights.  These human rights were immortalized in the founding documents of the United States, but it is our position that EVERY human — American or not — is entitled to freedom of thought, freedom of expression, and the freedom to enjoy whatever it is that makes them happy so long as it does not hurt others.  The governments of the world increasingly are working in concert as they attempt to reach their final goal of a one-world government where all freedom to choose is eliminated.  Please stand up now and be counted among the voices who will no longer remain silent.

Is “The Age of Rage” Coming?

8 Jun

Austerity Fascism Is Coming And It Will Be Brutal

Welcome to the age of rage – riots and revolutions will be the reaction to the next stage of the new world order

Austerity Fascism Is Coming And It Will Be Brutal 080610top2

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Top historians, social and financial analysts are warning that the draconian austerity measures currently being prepared by governments in the west will cause riots and even revolutions as people react with fury in response to their jobs, savings, basic public services, pensions and welfare money being seized by the financial terrorists who caused the economic collapse in the first place.

British historian Simon Schama is a creature of the establishment and he makes it clear whose side he is on at the end of his recent column for the Bilderberg-controlled Financial Times entitled, The World Teeters on the Brink of a New Age of Rage. However, the fact that he is an elitist at heart only makes Schama’s predications all the more alarming. This is someone on the inside who is painfully aware of the fact that the imminent attempt on behalf of the globalists to enforce so-called “austerity measures” on the people of the west, which in reality is a euphemistic term for the next leg of the new world order, is not just going to cause riots and mass social unrest, but it could even lead to revolution if the elite allow the situation to spiral out of their control.

Schama’s forecast that “we might be on the threshold of an age of rage” is not to be taken lightly. This isn’t coming from Alex Jones, Max Keiser or Gerald Celente, it’s coming directly from a man considered to be Britain’s pre-eminent contemporary historian.

Schama writes that the coming austerity measures, particularly in America where anger “targeted at an elitist federal authority is raging through the US like a fever,” will require “Barack Obama to be more than a head tutor. It will need him to be a warrior of the word every bit as combative as the army of the righteous that believes it has the Constitution on its side, and in its inchoate thrashings, can yet bring down the governance of the American Republic.”

In other words, Obama will have to ditch “misplaced obligations of civility” and become an authoritarian enforcer in order to emerge successful against the rising tide of Constitutionalist rage that will be directed against the coming austerity fascism.

We’ve all seen the numerous videos of protesters in Greece rioting, fighting police, and even firebombing banks and killing people in reaction to the crippling austerity measures imposed by the government in the name of appeasing the mandates of the European Union’s near $1 trillion dollar bailout package. However, the establishment media as a whole has largely failed to identify precisely what those austerity measures are, and more importantly how they will almost undoubtedly lead to massive social dislocation in the UK and the United States when implemented.

The austerity measures currently being considered and indeed implemented in the UK and other European countries, with the United States not too far behind, can be summarized as follows.

– Massive cuts to public services that are two or three times larger in size than anything we’ve witnessed since the second world war.

– Both capping of and reduction of salaries for public sector workers that will inevitably lead to huge strikes, bringing whole countries to a standstill for weeks on end, further eviscerating any economic recovery. Public sector workers in France and Spain are already staging large industrial strikes. As we saw in Greece, strikes routinely lead to riots and violence.

– Shocking tax increases that if they mirror previous trends could amount to an astounding 98 per cent tax on all earnings over a low level of income. Such increases would virtually eliminate the middle class because all earnings over around £20,000 ($28,000) would almost entirely go straight to the government. Knowing that such exorbitant hikes would cause millions of people to try to evade tax, thousands of new tax inspectors are being hired to crackdown on evaders. In the United States, 16,000 new IRS agents were recently hired in anticipation of people avoiding massive tax hikes that are in the pipeline, as well as new taxes as a result of Obamacare, which will begin to be implemented in the coming years.

– Cuts in social welfare payments that will devastate the poor if they are already laboring under runaway inflation. The economically deprived will take to the streets with a mind set of nothing to lose if the government handouts they have become dependent on are drastically reduced.

– VAT increases for people who already pay some of the highest income tax levels in the world. Europeans are forced to pay a 15-25 per cent surcharge on the purchase of most items and services, and this stealth tax is only set to increase. Greece recently upped its VAT from 21 per cent to 23 per cent. In the United States, President Obama has made it clear that a value added tax is “still on the table” as the IMF also outlines plans for a financial transaction tax which amounts to yet another insidious stealth tax on consumption.

– Governments will try to seize pension funds by continually raising the retirement age so pensions are constantly kept out of reach until people die. In Greece, the government is linking the pension to the average life span index, so most people won’t even get it before they die. Strikes across France in response to similar proposals have closed schools, delayed flights and caused chaos.

– In many European countries, laws govern the amount of employees private companies can fire in any one period of time. In Greece, the number of people companies will be allowed to lay off has doubled from 2% to 4% of their work force. Taken to its extreme, this could double unemployment in the private sector, placing yet more strain on unemployment benefits, which will also be reduced, and driving people into poverty.

All of these measures have been implemented to one degree or another in Greece and we witnessed the consequences. What makes the situation far more terrifying is the fact that the austerity measures being readied for Europe and especially the UK are far more drastic than what the Greeks have been dealt.

The last time anything remotely this drastic was imposed in the UK post World War Two was in 1977 when public spending was cut by 4 per cent. This led to massive strikes, riots, bodies being left unburied, and the German chancellor declaring Britain “no longer a developed country”. This turmoil occurred just a few years after the UK government had imposed a three-day-week as a result of massive industrial strikes by coal miners in order to conserve electricity. The miners were on strike because the government had capped their pay in an effort to control soaring inflation, a repeat of which many warn is just around the corner as governments are forced to print trillions more money as part of quantitative easing programs.

Spending cuts as part of UK austerity measures are set to be more than double those imposed in 1977, at a level of 9 to 11 per cent. If people were rioting, leaving bodies unburied, and the country was being called “no longer developed” with just a 4 per cent spending cut, what are we to expect after a cut double or treble that amount? Not to mention the plethora of other draconian austerity measures that will accompany spending cuts.

British Prime Minister and Bilderberg attendee David Cameron has warned that the measures his government is preparing to impose will “Affect every single person in our country. And the effects of those decisions will stay with us for years, perhaps decades, to come.”

Austerity fascism is the realization of the global elite’s agenda for a “post-industrial revolution,” after which living standards in the west will be dramatically lowered, economic growth will be stagnant, and people will be more concerned about how they are going to feed their families rather than standing up to the very financial terrorists who engineered the economic collapse in the first place.

However, a hungry mob is an angry mob. If the situation is allowed to spiral out of control and the “post-industrial revolution” unfolds quicker and more unwieldy than anticipated, the global elite may find themselves with an entirely different kind of revolution on their hands – one led by the people against the corrupt plutocrats intent on exploiting the suffering they masterminded in the move towards an authoritarian one world government.

Rockefeller Depopulation Plan?

8 Jun

Food and Depopulation: Rockefeller Family

Cassandra Anderson
June 8, 2010

Part 1 of 4.

The purpose of this article is to give a brief outline of how the elites, and the Rockefellers in particular, are using food as a weapon.

Bill Gates has teamed with the Rockefellers, Monsanto and the government of Norway in the Doomsday Seed Vault, in which organic seed is stored for some vague anticipated world catastrophe.

Since the Rockefeller family came to power (especially after gaining a monopoly with Standard Oil) they have manipulated our government into ruining our financial system by way of the Federal Reserve, energy through oil dependency and food with GMOs (Genetically Engineered Organisms).  The intention is to rob us blind and kill us.  It’s time to wake up.

The official name of this program is Agenda 21 Sustainable Development.

It the overarching blueprint for depopulation and total control over America and the rest of the world.  There is no question that Americans are targeted for depopulation: GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) food has saturated American farmlands. GMOs are dangerous and the proliferation of corn crops (used as sweetener, animal feed, processed food, etc) in America is shortening our life spans.(1)  Our water is polluted, containing over 60,000 chemicals, most of which have never been tested for safety.(2)  Our air is toxic, and the US is one of the most targeted areas for chemtrails.(3)  This is just the tip of the iceberg, the things we know about.  The focus of this article is revealing the link between the Rockefellers and their intended use of food as a weapon, which is more powerful than military domination and energy control.

While Agenda 21 was introduced in 1992, the elite collectivists, lead by the Rockefellers, have been pushing population control on America and the world for generations.  In 1992, this depopulation and control policy was modernized and given a name: Agenda 21, or the Agenda for the 21st century.  The premise for depopulation and control is to preserve the environment. One would have to be an idiot to disregard environmental concerns, however, the solutions that Agenda 21 offers fail to address the real issues.  The primary tools that Agenda 21 Sustainable Development uses are global warming lies, water shortages (like the man made drought in California, which also causes food shortages) and the Endangered Species Act (designed to take away private property, which is the base of wealth creation and freedom).(4)

Food control goes hand in hand with population control.  The eugenics (improvement of humans through selective breeding, often using brutal methods like genocide and forced sterilization) program of the Third Reich in Nazi Germany was revealed after WWII.  Obviously, people did not have a high opinion of eugenics, so, according to William Engdahl, author of “Seeds of Destruction”, the Rockefeller strategists shifted their profile to champion the causes of the environment, resource scarcity and overpopulation.(5)  The policy of population control remained, despite the illusion of caring concern- which is simply marketing; the word eugenics has been renamed as “human genetics”.  This scheme for improving their image worked for them before, using “philanthropy” and tax-free foundations, when the Rockefellers became very unpopular following the Ludlow Massacre.

The Ludlow Massacre took place at a Rockefeller owned coal mine in Colorado.  The mines were notoriously unsafe, which caused many deaths and the workers were paid in scrip (currency substitute that is often credit), to be spent at the Rockefeller company stores.  When the workers went on strike, they were evicted from their homes and lived with their families in tent cities.  Then they were provoked through murder, machine gun spray, harassment, etc, in order to goad the workers into violence.(6)  This was used as a pretext to get the National Guard involved; the state militia opened fire on the tent cities, resulting in up to 53 deaths, 13 of whom were women and children.  So, the Rockefellers created a propaganda campaign to polish their tarnished image through tax exempt foundations.  These foundations are hardly philanthropic; they are used to fund the destruction of America (please read this excellent interview transcript by G. Edward Griffin to discover the true nature of tax exempt foundations).(7)

Why do you think Senator Jay Rockefeller is pushing so hard to censor the Internet?(8)

Today, the Rockefellers use coercive population control tactics and food as a weapon through a front organization, CGIAR (Consultative Group on Agricultural Resources) as the Rockefellers are trying to distance themselves from public- just like the Rothschild clan has done.  Engdahl reports that CGIAR operates under the umbrella of the UN World Bank, and its primary focus is the spread of GMO crops.  CGIAR was created by the Rockefellers and the Ford Foundation, along with the UN World Bank in 1971 with $350 million dollars a year in funding.

The Rockefeller’s “Green Revolution”, which was the implementation of new farming methods in developing countries, like Mexico, India and Asia, increased crop yields, but ended in disaster; the program lasted from the 1940’s- 1970’s.(9)  The “Green Revolution”, funded by the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations and the US government, was a farming experiment with these results:

•  Hybrid rice was planted that is often sterile in subsequent generations

•  Intensive water usage, which depleted water sources

•  Use of pesticides and herbicides, which causes cancer but made the manufacturers wealthy

•  Use of synthetic (petroleum based) fertilizers that damaged the environment, but created untold wealth for the Rockefeller owned Standard Oil

•  Created a monoculture (only a single crop is grown), which means that the food supply can be destroyed in one season

Bill Gates wants to have a new “Gene Revolution” in Africa.  Bill Gates has teamed with the Rockefellers, Monsanto and the government of Norway in the Doomsday Seed Vault, in which organic seed is stored for some vague anticipated world catastrophe.(10)

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund created the ISAAA (International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications) and the Rockefeller Foundation is a major donor.  The ISAAA is involved in promoting proprietary GMO seeds to developing countries.  Its sponsors include Monsanto (USA), Dow AgroSciences (USA), Cargill (USA), Bayer CropScience (Germany), and a mysterious “Anonymous Donor “(USA), and US-AID of the State Department, per William Engdahl.

It is worth mentioning that Robert Deitch’s book, “Hemp: American History Revisited” explains that the Great Depression was not caused by the Wall Street stock market crash of ‘29, but by Prohibition (the 18th Amendment that prohibited alcohol from 1920 until it was repealed in 1933).  Other businesses, besides the production of alcoholic beverages, that used alcohol were ruined.  Deitch claims that the big oil interests, like Rockefeller (Standard Oil) and Mellon  (Gulf Oil) demonized alcohol, not on propagandized moral grounds, but to  eliminate competition.  The automobile industry was in its infancy and they wanted to corner the market on energy, so they devised a plan to knock out the competition of alcohol powered vehicles.

Later, in 1937, after relentless lobbying, they did the same thing with hemp, and through deception and demonization of marijuana, hemp was outlawed.  Hemp contains only miniscule trace amounts of THC (the active agent in marijuana), yet it is considered a ‘controlled substance’.

Hemp is a low maintenance plant that needs no pesticides or herbicides, and can produce oil, paper products, biodegradable plastics, medicine and textiles (it is also a super nutritious food).  Because the Robber Barons (Rockefeller and Mellon- oil, DuPont- chemicals and Hearst- paper) were threatened, they joined together to outlaw hemp.

Hemp was later needed during WWII, so its cultivation was allowed in the US.  Hemp was a threat to the Rockefellers not only because it produces oil, but also because Cannibis has uses as a medicine, thereby threatening their pharmaceutical drug monopoly.  Nelson Rockefeller, as governor of New York, in 1973, established marijuana as a Schedule I narcotic drug, through the “Rockefeller Drug Laws” which had harsh penalties for the possession and sale of drugs (including marijuana) that could result in a sentence of 15 years to life.  As other States followed suit, this became the cornerstone of America’s abysmal ‘War on Drugs’.(11)

California was the first State to defy the federal government in de-criminalizing marijuana for medical use, through the 10th Amendment (States’ rights).  Fourteen other States have followed suit.  California will be vote on marijuana legalization in November; this may pass because the government wants to tax it.  Ironically, in 2006, a bill to allow hemp farming passed both houses of the California legislature, but collectivist Arnold Schwarzenegger, in another act of cowardice, vetoed the bill because he said that marijuana and hemp are indistinguishable under federal law.  Hemp could go a long way toward saving California’s bankrupt economy.

Fifteen other States have introduced or enacted legislation to grow hemp, but they fear the federal Drug Enforcement Agency.(12)

Interestingly, California will have an initiative on the ballot in November to legalize marijuana.  This means that if it passes, anyone can smoke marijuana for any reason, as opposed to limiting it to medical marijuana use.  This is important for 2 reasons; first, it would open the door for hemp cultivation for food, oil, natural plastics, paper, etc.  The second reason this is important is because it would nullify the federal drug law, thus enforcing the Tenth Amendment for state sovereignty.

Thanks to F. William Engdahl, author of “Seeds of Destruction” for all of his fine research and articles.

For more information, pleas visit




4. www. <>









Charlie Skelton Reports on The Bilderberg Group, Part 4

6 Jun

Bilderberg 2010: Between the sword and the wall

The Catalan police are refreshingly friendly. But if the time for action comes, whose side will they be on?

Catalan police Policing Bilderberg: beneath the uniforms beat human hearts Photograph: Charlie Skelton for the Guardian

The enormous bald detective in beach shorts took the camera from my wife. “Let me see.” He scrolled through the photographs, just taken, of me being detained at the campsite gates. He scrolled past, to see a photo of a limousine convoy, whooshing up the hill to Bilderberg. “I don’t like this,” he said, and waved a huge, disgruntled hand towards the conference hotel.

“Do you know how much this is costing?” asked Hannah. “Do you think the Spanish economy can afford all this?” Grimly, the enormous bald detective started deleting images of his comrades with his giant thumb. “Your opinion,” he growled, “is right.”

He handed the camera back to Hannah. “But you’ve deleted my best shots!” The detective whistled to his comrades, who were busy sniffing a jar of salted olives they had found in my car boot. He had them turn around, facing away from the camera. “Go head,” he rumbled. “Take photographs.”

What a difference a year makes. Last year in Vouliagmeni when I tried covering the 2009 Bilderberg meeting, I had Greek policemen yelling “No fotografia!” at me at every turn. I was arrested, tailed, harassed, rearrested, yelled at, bundled into squad cars, lied to, intimidated, wrestled with and hounded round Athens like I was John Dillinger.

This year, the police have been deployed in the same extraordinary numbers, but they are smiling, rolling their eyes at the rigmarole; the riot police are giving the thumbs-up to protesters and honking their horns as they come round the “awareness roundabout” at the foot of the hotel.

“The police have been laughing and chatting,” says Daniel Turon, a Spanish psycho-sociologist, here in Sitges to psycho-sociologise Bilderberg. “One of them said he had read a book about Bilderberg; another said, ‘Yes, we understand.'” The Catalan police, he says, “have a different sensibility” from what you may expect. “They are Catalan. Their minds are independent.”

Read the full report here

Charlie Skelton Reports on The Bilderberg Group, Part 3

6 Jun

Bilderberg 2010: Why the protesters are your very best friends

The people who are being detained, searched and questioned are not playing some game. They are deadly serious, and they are worried to death

Guerrilla journalists in Sitges, where the Bilderberg conference  is being held Guerrilla journalists in Sitges, where the Bilderberg conference is being held. Photograph: Alex Amengual Photograph: Alex Amengual/

Ivan was alone on the roundabout. He had been left in charge of the banners while everyone else ate breakfast.

He slipped an empty bottle of red wine into a binliner and stretched. At his feet was a chalk-drawn pyramid showing the structure of society, the word “pueblo” at the bottom, and the tip pointing up the hill towards Bilderberg. It’s a short pyramid today, maybe half a heavily-armed mile from Rockefeller down to Ivan.

Ivan’s bed last night – is it had been the night before – was the scrub by the roadside. “It’s not so cold in my bag,” he said. “A lot of times I travel in the mountains – in the mountains, you can sleep anywhere.”

A lone Catalonian in green trousers, he clutched a leaflet and stood in the Sitges sun as, up the hill, billionaires and finance ministers ate kiwifruit patisseries.

The shame, the awful poignancy of Bilderberg, is that, for much of the time, there are more delegates up the hill than there are protesters at the foot of it.

On that point, there’s something I’d like you to do. I’d like you to extend a grateful thought, a prayer of thanks, an idle nod of acknowledgment – a something, an anything – towards Ivan and all the others who have come to Sitges to bear witness to Bilderberg 2010.

These people are on your side, they are fighting your corner. And if you don’t think it’s a corner that needs fighting, or if it’s a corner you think is being fought by the people up the hill … well, good luck to you.

I want you to know, though, that the people who are crawling around on pine needles with long lenses, trying to identify delegates (and doing pretty well, by the way), the people who are being detained, searched, questioned, then heading out again into the hills, the people who are sitting late into the night at the campsite bar, talking about distracted populations and central banks, are not lunatics.

Read the full report here

Charlie Skelton Reports on The Bilderberg Group, Part 2

6 Jun

Bilderberg 2010: The security lockdown begins

It’s midday at the Bilderberg conference hotel – and that means helicopters, riot police and angry staff

    Charlie Skelton at the Hotel Dolce Sitges, before the Bilderberg  conference began Charlie Skelton relaxing at the Hotel Dolce Sitges, before the Bilderberg conference began. Photograph: Charlie Skelton

    This is the second dispatch from Charlie Skelton’s Bilderblog. Read part one here.

    “Congratulations!” grinned the man in charge of this year’s Bilderberg conference, mustering as much sarcasm as a Dutchman could muster.

    “You are the last guests here! You should have a banner!” he whooped, punching the air, wanting us gone. It’s true – we had been dragging our heels as we left the Hotel Dolce Sitges. The folding tables were already being set up in the courtyard for participant lanyards and orientation packs. It was well past the midday “lockdown” of the hotel.

    “Lockdown” at Bilderberg means that security is snapped securely shut – it means an unbreachable, Pentagon-like security cordon is tightened around this seaside hotel.

    It means that hundreds (and I mean hundreds) of police, in various states of riot readiness, position themselves at every junction, every roundabout, along every road, layby and dirt track within a mile of the building. And every 15 minutes or so, ruining everyone’s poolside naps, police choppers circle in the perfect sky above.

    The helicopters started yesterday. The day before, as we were checking in, a couple of tourists in microlights came buzzing over the hotel before buzzing off towards the beach. For about two seconds, I thought: “Brilliant! That’s how we’re going to get photos! From the air!” Then I thought: “CIA snipers! Not so brilliant!”.

    We’ve made do with a few sneaky shots around the hotel and some hushed chats with the barstaff. We did a little undercover work. And, as a result, we can confirm the following people will definitely be attending this year’s Bilderberg conference in Sitges.

    Read full report here

    Whitewash 101

    6 Jun

    Editor’s Note:  Here we have all the trappings of a classic whitewash.  First, there is the admission that The Bilderberg Group — previously decried as non-existent — actually exists.  Second, there is the cheeky downplaying of all the secrecy (and security) as a bunch of “willy-waggling old men comparing their security details and dreaming of past glories.”  The next sentence goes on to acknowledge that they are “efficient talent spotters.”  So which is it?  By deliberately equivocating, the whitewash is complete.  This post will be followed by the true investigative journalism of Charlie Skelton.

    By Iain Hollingshead — London Telegraph

    I have just discovered that a shadowy cabal of global luminaries, including Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Prince Charles, Peter Mandelson, Lord Carrington, David Cameron, Queen Beatrix of Holland and the chairman of Barclays Bank, have been plotting to overthrow national governments and form a fascist one-world empire.

    Going by the name of the Bilderberg Group, these puppet-masters made and broke the career of Margaret Thatcher, triggered the downfall of Slobodan Milosevic and, this year, are planning to bomb Iran.

    Quite a big story, don’t you think?

    Read the full whitewash here

    A Tax on Freedom of Speech

    5 Jun

    EDITORIAL: FTC floats Drudge tax

    The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is seeking ways to “reinvent” journalism, and that’s a cause for concern. According to a May 24 draft proposal, the agency thinks government should be at the center of a media overhaul. The bureaucracy sees it as a problem that the Internet has introduced a wealth of information options to consumers, forcing media companies to adapt and experiment to meet changing market needs. FTC’s policy staff fears this new reality.

    “There are reasons for concern that experimentation may not produce a robust and sustainable business model for commercial journalism,” the report states. With no faith that the market will work things out for the better, government thinks it must come to the rescue.

    The ideas being batted around to save the industry share a common theme: They are designed to empower bureaucrats, not consumers. For instance, one proposal would, “Allow news organizations to agree jointly on a mechanism to require news aggregators and others to pay for the use of online content, perhaps through the use of copyright licenses.”

    In other words, government policy would encourage a tax on websites like the Drudge Report, a must-read source for the news links of the day, so that the agency can redistribute the funds collected to various newspapers. Such a tax would hit other news aggregators, such as Digg, Fark and Reddit, which not only gather links, but provide a forum for a lively and entertaining discussion of the issues raised by the stories. Fostering a robust public-policy debate, not saving a particular business model, should be the goal of journalism in the first place.

    Read Entire Article

    Coming Soon: Minority Report . . . The Reality Show

    1 Jun

    Editor’s Note:  We are actually funding our own enslavement.

    Detecting a crime before it happens

    By Bob Drogin, Los Angeles Times

    Reporting from Washington —

    If Bob Burns is correct, terrorists may betray themselves someday by jiggling on a Nintendo Wii balance board, blinking too fast, curling a lip like Elvis — or doing nothing at all.

    Burns and his team of scientists are researching whether video game boards, biometric sensors and other high-tech devices can be used to detect distinct nonverbal cues from people who harbor “mal-intent,” or malicious intent.

    “We’re looking pre-event,” said Burns, the No. 2 at the Homeland Security Advanced Research Project Agency, a counterpart of the fabled Pentagon agency that developed Stealth aircraft and the Internet.